Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Her Deathbed

Tonight is the night that Desdemona will die. Iago has already taking care of his side of the deal. I was walking the streets when I heard Cassio screaming murder. At that point I knew that I had to keep up my side of the deal. In her sleep, I shall choke Desdemona to death. There is nothing else to say besides that I hope it goes well. No, I know it will go well. Goodbye bloggers, for this shall be my final post. Goodnight.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Must Kill

Let's get to the point here. Iago has been telling me that Cassio is having relations with Desdemona. When he finally told me that he saw Cassio with her handkerchief, I fell and had a seizure. After I woke up, Iago said that Cassio came in and Iago has arranged to speak with him. Then he has a plan. He tells me to hide in the closet when the two are talking about Desdemona to see his reactions. While in there, Cassio was laughing and mocking my Desdemona. Then I lost it. This woman comes in holding my handkerchief. Cassio doesn't even care for Desdemona, even while cheating. I realize I must kill Cassio. Iago says he'll do it for me and that I should also kill Desdemona in her sleep and not to poison her. When Lodovico walks in to inform me of my leaving to Venice, Desdemona seems happy. I slap her because of my loss of control. I try to talk to Emilia the next day, but she won't speak of Desdemona. Desdemona and I have been arguing and has just been angering me. The next couple of days will be hell for whoever stands in my way to stop this infidelity.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Handkerchief

I want Desdemona's blood. She has betrayed me for the last time. The other day, Desdemona and I were discussing about Cassio. The things he did I can never repay him for. Emilia thinks I should let him be lieutenant, but I disagree. Now Desdemona wants me to reinstate Cassio. Then Iago spoke to me. He tells me that Cassio and Desdemona have been together. I don't want to believe him. I'm losing my mind. Iago won't tell me anything, and I don't want to believe his stories without proof. He tells me that Cassio was shouting out Desdemona's name in his sleep. Iago also states that he has seen Cassio with Desdemona's handkerchief. I then realized that Desdemona must be punished for betraying me like this. With all of this information, I decided to promote Iago to my lieutenant position. When I saw Desdemona again, I asked her for the handkerchief. She doesn't have so I tell her the history of it. It was from my mother when she got it from Egyptian sorcerers that said it would keep a man or woman loyal. When I demand for the handkerchief, she retreats to find Othello. I can't keep living this way.  

Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Betrayal Among Friends

Cassio seems to be unfit for my lieutenant position. When I arrived from defeating the Turks, it seems that all hell has broken loose. On land from the boat, I wanted to have a celebration. A celebration of Cyprus being safe, and myself to marry Desdemona. I put Cassio in charge to guard the event. While we were enjoying the party, the alarm bell rang. When I came outside to look at what was the matter, Montano was bleeding and Cassio was holding the weapon. I demanded an answer but both Iago and Cassio forgot what happened. After Iago tried to protect Cassio from being in trouble, I relieved Cassio of his duty. Desdemona was worried, but I told her I would take care of it. I see Desdemona speaking with Cassio as he is angry because he can't remember anything. My only hope is that Desdemona still loves me after my decision.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The War Has Begun

It has been an awkward few days for me and my Desdemona. To start it all off, I have promoted Michael Cassio to a lieutenant. He seems to be a perfect fit because of his knowledge in math. That evening, Iago comes and warns me that Desdemona's father Brabantio, and his men have come to divorce Desdemona and myself. I stand my ground, but realize that it is Cassio and some officers. They alert me that the Duke of Venice wants to speak to me about Cyprus. Just then, Brabantio, Roderigo and his men come to arrest me. Brabantio wants to settle this argument with the Duke. When we arrive at the Duke's house, Brabantio says to stop the military meeting so they can discuss his problems. He goes on to tell the Duke that I have stolen his daughter with magic spells. The Duke gives me a chance to tell my side of the story. I tell everyone that I did not use spells or tricks to get Desdemona, it was meerly my stories and tales. I told Brabantio my many war stories and Desdemona was listening in. She fell in love with me as soon as she heard these stories. My loving Desdemona comes in and agrees with what I have said. Then, the Duke alerts me that I must go to Cyprus to fight off the Turks. In my leaving, I left Desdemona with Iago. I trust that he will be good to her. Now I must go, it is time to fight!